Water Based Portable

Fire Extinguishers

  • IS : 15683 : 2006
    CML No. 2589173

Water Based Portable Fire Extinguishers

(Stored Pressure / Cartridge Type)

Our Water Fire Extinguishers are suitable for Class A Fire are still one of the most useful and cost-effective ways to put free burning materials such as Paper, Wood & Fabrics



Model Water Based Co2
Capacity 9 Ltr.
Confirming IS Code IS 15683 : 2006,
Extingushing Media Water
Minimum Effective Discharge Adove 95%
Discharge Time Not Less than 13 sec.
Body Test BAR 35 BAR
Working Pressure BAR 15 BAR
Temperature Range +5o C to +55o C
Operating Value Squeeze Grip type with Nozzle or Hose Pipe.
Effective Against A Class of Fires. Do not use at Electrically Started Fires.